Sunday, January 23, 2011

Days 18-20: Birthdays and Barfing

Friday night was spent out with my hubby - we had a romantic dinner at McCormick and Schmick's Harborside and then went and saw the Amos Lee concert - it was wonderful!

For dinner on Friday night I had a pretty good meal - not quite on plan, but not so far off, either. I had a small piece of salmon, a crab cake, some green beans, and about 1/4 cup of orzo.  I also had two dirty martinis, and the restaurant brought me a cookie and ice cream dessert, which Matt and I shared. All in all, it wasn't so bad - except that at 4am on my birthday, I woke up and puked it all up.

I'm still not quite sure what happened. At first, I thought, "I only had 2 drinks all night, I shouldn't be sick." Then I thought, "Maybe I have a flu bug or something," and then, "Maybe my body wasn't ready for all of that "real" food yet."  At this point, I'm leaning toward a combination of the latter two, because I ate one of my medifast bars for breakfast yesterday morning, had some peppermint tea to calm my stomach, and then tossed that all up, too.

So, the actual day of my birthday didn't start out in a stellar way. However, Matt and I were staying at the Kennedy School in Portland, and we sat in the soaking pool for awhile - it was such a beautiful morning!

After we picked up the kiddos from my parents' house, we came home and I slept until I needed to get ready for my birthday party.  I woke up feeling somewhat better - hungry. At dinner I had a half of a garden burger, some tater tots, and diet soda. I also had a very small sliver of my chocolate birthday cake.

When I went to bed last night, I thought I was going to get sick again, but I woke up this morning feeling much better. Maggie slept well, so Matt and I did too. :)

With the exception of the getting sick part, my birthday really was wonderful. I got to spend the evening with my family and friends in a low-key celebration at the Hotel Oregon, and it was lovely.

Today I was back on the Medi-fast wagon. I actually told Matt this morning that I couldn't wait to get back on the plan - I'm not sure what it is that clicked with me over the last few weeks, but I think I finally get it. If I put good things in my body, I feel amazing.

It was wonderful to be back on plan today - as I mentioned in previous posts, I'm not expecting a stellar loss this week due to my two off-plan nights, but I am still looking forward to see what the scale says on Tuesday morning. One more day in this medi-fast week to go.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I did! - B

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! I'm so proud of you! Quick question for you... What are some of your faves with MF? I'm placing an order later today!!!
