Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 17 - I have more than one pair of pants to wear now!

After I had Maggie, I lost weight pretty quickly, which was great. However, when you have a baby, your body changes significantly - just because I lost my pregnancy weight, does not mean I had gotten down to my pre-pregnancy size.

Within a couple of weeks after Maggie was born, I was ready for regular jeans, but the largest size I had in my drawer was a size 10.  I went shopping for some size 12 jeans. I bought two pairs of the same, knowing that I would eventually shrink some more, so I shouldn't invest too much money in new clothes.

I have been wearing those pants almost every day for 3 1/2 months. (I washed them frequently, of course.)

Last night, I realized I had a BUNCH of size 10 pants in my drawer. This morning, I tried them all on, and they fit like a glove! What a wonderful feeling! I have so many more wardrobe options now, and it feels so fabulous to be a smaller size.

After I get a little more weight off, I'm going to start the "Insanity" training program - saw an infomercial for it this morning, and I decided that will be my next challenge for myself.

Tomorrow is my 30th birthday - because I will be out of town, and plan to not stay perfectly on plan tonight, I weighed myself this morning, just so I can see how not staying on plan will affect me.

I weighed 169.9 lbs this morning. Less than 3 weeks ago, I was in the 180's, and today I'm in the 160's. It feels freakin' awesome.

I'll let you know how the birthday celebrating goes! - B


  1. I totally get the "one pair of pants" thing. I was wearing the same pair of maternity pants all the time, because I was waiting until I was a smaller size to buy more.

  2. That's great.. Can't wait for my turn

  3. You are doing AWESOME! We are in the same size now! I just got into 10's too! I never thought that would happen for me. I am so thankful for Medifast! I am so glad you are on this journey too. You will learn so much about yourself and your relationship with food! :)

    BTW....Happy Birthday!
