Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 14 and 15 - Oops, I'm behind!

Sorry I'm behind! I was so busy yesterday I forgot to share my successes with you!

Tuesday morning's weigh-in read 172 lbs, for another 3.9 lbs down! That's a total of 11.9 lbs in 2 weeks! Yipee! Also, I am fitting into my size 10 jeans! They are a little snug in the waist, but my booty looks great in them!

I missed one of my medifast meals yesterday due to a family meeting and then it getting really late. I think the only consequence associated with that is that for the day I had only 80% of my vitamins and minerals. (medifast foods are fortified with these things so you don't have to take a multi-vitamin while on it.)

I wandered around the mall for awhile yesterday, and had a hard time resisting the food court as I walked through it. But, I still did it. I am proud of myself for the fact that even though something every day is hard for me, I do it anyway, because I know what the rewards will be.

As a reward for my successes so far, I treated myself to a manicure and pedicure yesterday. Heaven!

I'll do better about writing each day, I promise! - B

1 comment:

  1. Good job Brooke. When things are hard (like jogging) and I want to quit, I think of something really difficult that I did (like my labor) and then I say "well, if could do that, I can do this."
