Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 11 and 12 - The walls (of my throat) are closing in...

I woke up with a sore throat yesterday. I was feeling better last night, but the sore throat was back this morning with a vengeance. Both kids have booger-y noses. Matt feels like he's been hit by a truck. Needless to say, the Sturtevant household is a bit dreary right now.

It's a good thing I can't eat real food most of the time, because I have a feeling that within the next couple of days I won't be able to taste anything anyway. Should make it pretty easy to stay on plan. :)

Today I faced a common challenge of motherhood when it comes to food - not finishing what is on your toddler's plate. Miles had a quesadilla for lunch and only ate half of it. It was incredibly difficult for me to resist shoving the other half in my mouth and swallowing it with one gulp. Luckily, I'm feeling a little bit stronger each day with the emotional side of things, and I was able to avoid the cheesy goodness.

One week from today I turn 30. I'm going to go ahead and throw it out there that I plan on celebrating. I plan on having a lovely meal with my husband on Friday night, and having a couple of libations and perhaps some nachos (those who know me well will find that amusing) on Saturday at my birthday party. I know that with this type of celebrating I will not see a big loss at the end of the week, and I'm ok with that. Because, next Sunday morning I'll be right back on the wagon. I do know that because I've been on medi-fast for almost 2 weeks now, I will be able to make smarter choices, even when "indulging" in regular food.

I'm still feeling strong and confident most of the time. I'm very charged up about this journey that I'm on. (I'm also charged up about my Dad and Karin getting engaged while on their cruise this week! So happy for them!)

With Blessings - B


  1. Yikes! Sorry you're all sick. Let me know if I can help with anything. (for reals)

  2. Thank you! We woke up feeling better this morning! Miles is still booger-y, but in good spirits, so I think we'll be ok. :)
