Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 7 - Drum Roll, Please....

I did it! I survived my first week on medi-fast, and it wasn't a bad experience at all! Before I tell you how my day went, let me reveal my amazing statistics for the week!

Weight: 175.9 lbs (I lost 8 lbs in one week!!!!!!)
Bust: 39.5
Arm: 13.75
Waist: 34
Belly: 39.5
Hips: 41.75
Thigh: 24.75   (a total of 5.25 inches lost!)

I feel so amazing. I can't believe I lost so much in one week. I know that the first week of any program is the "honeymoon" week - but this is by far the most I've ever lost during the honeymoon week.  I know not to expect such a big loss from here on out, but man, does it feel good! That's like a month's worth of weight watchers weight gone in one week! Yippee! (Don't get me wrong, I thing weight watchers is a great program - I just needed something more structured this time around.)

My 7th day on the program was pretty good. Not too much to blab about other than that I did feel very hungry and sort of nauseated for a bit in the mid-morning. I ate my meal a little earlier than I had planned, and it fixed it. I felt great the rest of the day. I made the portabella cap recipe for dinner again. Yum.

Things I learned about myself this week:

-I eat when I'm bored, so keeping myself busy is crucial
-I really could live off dessert (so far the only things I don't like on medi-fast are the savory items. Love all the sweet ones!)
-I had a worse relationship with food than I originally thought - the anxiety I felt my first day made me feel as if I were going through an unpleasant break-up with someone I still really had feelings for. I still feel this a little bit at different times each day, but it is improving daily, just as it would if I were going through a break-up.
-I am stronger than I thought I was.
-For the first time since I started struggling with my weight, I feel like I can actually get to the finish line this time. I don't have the "Why should I lose weight if I'm just going to get pregnant and gain it all back" thoughts in my head anymore. If Matt and I have more kids it will be down the road a few years, so I can really focus on myself right now.

I feel amazing. I hope this finds you feeling amazing today too. - B

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