Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 13 - Finger lickin' good

I didn't realize until I started Medifast just how many times I lick my fingers during the day (don't worry, I wash my hands a lot too). It is really difficult to not lick your fingers when you've just prepared something yummy for someone else. I have been able to resist though - I'm so proud of myself!

Tonight for dinner I made cauliflower pizza - the crust is made out of pureed cauliflower and some other stuff. It was actually really tasty. Not as good as real pizza, obviously, but still really good.

This totally isn't diet related at all, but it's too cute not to share. Today we went bowling - it was Miles's first time. We let him roll his first couple of balls by himself, and the second time, the ball went so slow that it actually stopped in the middle of the lane. Hilarious. He had fun though - we'll definitely go again.

I did start doing a little bit of exercise this week. I'm feeling very energetic and healthy, so I figured it would be okay. I've just done the elliptical every other day for 20 minutes. It feels good to sweat. :)

I am feeling so good about this. This is the longest I've ever been on any program without cheating. (I don't count the taste of frosting last week as a cheat.) I've been successful doing other things, but always cheated.  Knowing that this program absolutely works, and all I have to do is follow it, makes it seem really easy. Not all the time - I do think about buying myself something chocolate and devouring it almost every day - but I just grab a chocolate medifast shake or medifast brownie, and I'm fine.

This program really is about changing your mindset. Eat often, eat healthy, fuel your body.

Looking forward to sharing my week 2 results in a couple of days! - B

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