Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 32-34: Never Look Back

I apologize once again for my lack of dedication to my blog this week.  My kiddos have been sick for the last couple of weeks and taking computer time to myself hasn't been a huge priority.

Anyway, the title of today's blog is Never Look Back. The reason I have named it thus is that the last few days I found myself wondering what life is going to be like after I get to my goal. I wondered if I would instantly go back to my old ways once I don't have weeks worth of Medifast food sitting on my kitchen counter. What if I get to my goal, and I'm standing in the grocery checkout line and I take advantage of the "Buy 3 get one free" candy bar deal, and eat them all on the way home from the grocery store. What if I can't stop at one serving of dinner.

Then I realized that even though I'm doing so well on this program, I am still a "newborn" when it comes to this lifestyle. Today is the last day in my 5th week of my new life. That's not much time. By the time I get to my goal weight, I still won't be an expert at all of this stuff. And, that's ok. The important thing is that I keep looking forward. If I make a mistake I need to dust myself off, get back up, and move on. If I look back at the way I used to be, all I will see is what I used to be. If I look at where I am now, and keep focused on the way I want to live my life (not just the way I look, fyi), I will be able to learn from my mistakes and succeed on this journey.

A couple of nights ago I had a weak moment. I really wanted to dig into the frosting-coated animal cookies in the cupboard, but instead, I just grabbed a Medifast bar. It was an extra Medifast meal for the day, but I was satisfied, and I knew that it was a much better choice for me than something else.

Yesterday, just for fun, I went and tried on some smaller size clothes at the store. Not with the intention to buy, but just to see what I look like in some different styles that I wouldn't have felt comfortable in before. The best part was trying on a swimsuit. I didn't LOVE the way I looked, but I didn't cringe and hide my eyes either. I am looking forward to getting to my goal and feeling confident about wearing a swimsuit.  My least favorite part of my body is, and has always been, my legs and butt. I am going to work on finding exercises that help me channel my inner Beyonce' so I can love my curvy lower half. I'm not looking to make it small, I just would like it to not be so jiggly. :) Toned, strong, sexy. Then I can rock that swimsuit. :)

Between my husband, my friend Trish and I, we decided that once I hit my goal (and Matt reaches his too) that we are going to treat ourselves to a trip to Las Vegas for a weekend of fun. I'm really looking forward to it!

I'm looking forward to sharing my week 5 weight with you tomorrow. Happy Monday! - B

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