Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 30-31: One month stats

February 4th - one month since I started Medifast:

164.2 lbs (a total of 19.7 lost)

Bust: 38.75 (-1.75)
Waist: 32.5 (-3)
Belly: 37.5 (-3)
Hips: 39 (-2.75)
Thigh: 23 (-2.25)
Arm: 13 (-2.5)

That's a grand total of 15.25 inches lost off of my body in one month! Amazing! 2 jeans sizes!

I only have 19.2 lbs to lose to reach my goal - I'm already more than half way there!

Things are still going great - obviously! I scored a sandwich maker at Goodwill yesterday for $4. It's from 1980-something, but it was brand new in the box and works like a charm.  I used for two different recipes on my favorite recipe blog yesterday - best $4 I ever spent!

Until tomorrow!  - B