Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The kickoff

Well, I'm more than halfway through day one, and so far my biggest challenge is posting this blog. I'm not excited to share the following information with the world, but here it goes...

Weight: 183.9 lbs
Bust: 40.5 in
Arm: 15.5 in
Waist: 35.5 in
Belly: (at navel) 40.5 in
Hips: 41.75 in
Thigh: 25.25 in

And, here are my before pictures, taken just moments ago. The lack of makeup or hair being done is so that my after pictures look that much more fabulous! (Actually, it's just because I haven't had a chance to shower today - having little ones does that to you.) 

I opted to not do the whole sports bra and spandex thing. I'm brave, not stupid.  No one wants to see that.

For those not familiar with the Medi-fast diet, it is a 5 and 1 plan...meaning I eat 5 of their "meals" per day and one lean and green meal per day...and of course lots of water.

The food is not fabulous, but the surprise of the day was that the pancakes are actually pretty decent.  

I am feeling hungry. Not famished, but not satisfied either. I'm sure that is normal for the first few days while my body adjusts.

Oh, I almost forgot. I need to tell you what my weight loss goal is!  It is currently my intention to lose at least 38.9 lbs and get down to 145.  If I get there and feel I want to go further, I'll do it. 145 is a normal and healthy weight for a woman of my age and height (I'll be 30 in 2 weeks and I am 5'4").

Okay, that's it for now! I'm sure the following days will provide me with all sorts of anecdotes to share with you. 

Stay tuned! B


  1. I am really excited for you Brooke. Good luck. I wish I could afford the food, I am trying the hard way and I have to get back on the right path. Maybe one day I can try it. It sure worked for Trish. Anyway I will be watching your progress. Congrats

  2. Whoa Brooke, you are awesome. p.s. we're the same height and have the same goal weight.
