Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 22 - PIZZA!

I had a massive craving for pizza yesterday. The sauce, the cheese, the crust....mmmmmm....

I made cauliflower pizza again, and realized that really all I was craving was the sauce - you put real pizza sauce on cauliflower pizza - after I ate it, I was satisfied! Yay!

I suffered a feeling of weakness all day. Like even though I'd been doing great so far,  I was going to fail miserably. I'm pretty sure this is not the case, but it is thoughts like this that have made me give up any plans I've tried in the past. A feeling of "it isn't going to work, so why keep trying?"

Luckily, I have this blog, and you, my faithful readers, to keep me accountable. I won't be giving up any time soon - I just need a dose of something really positive today to help keep me motivated.

My next month's shipment is supposed to be here on Friday. I ordered some different things this time - none of the stuff I don't like, and some new things to try out.

In other news, my triplet nephews and niece are being born today! That will be my something positive! Can't wait to meet those babies! - B


  1. Hey, Can you send me that recipe?

  2. You are doing great Brooke. Hang in there, I start tomorrow so I will soon be getting healthier too, just remember that you are a strong beautiful woman.
