Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 10 - A little bored...

If I'm being honest, which is something I always strive to be, I must admit that 10 days in I'm getting a little bored of the medifast food. Plus, I'm not a very creative person in the kitchen, so coming up with a variety of lean and green meals is difficult for me.

So, I spent some time looking at some amazing blogs with some amazing recipes on them today - recipes from other medifasters that got bored too, and are way better at cooking than me! (Thank you Trish for sending me the links to the blogs!) I am excited to try them and maybe branch out and come up with some of my own things.

Even through boredom, I'm sticking to program. I know what I like and don't like, and for my next order I modified it so I won't receive anything I don't like, plus I can try a couple of new things. I don't like the scrambled eggs or the soups. Everything else is pretty decent so far. The texture of the pudding is a little glue-y for my taste, but the flavor is really good.

I feel fantastic. I don't ever feel hungry. I have energy and a spring in my step. I can feel myself shrinking.

On the emotional end of things, I know it will take some time for me to get to the bottom of why I have been an over-eater all of my adult life.  I still think a lot about food. The biggest change for me so far is that my thoughts about food no longer control me. I have them, then I move on. I dream about having a piece of cake or eating a gooey grilled cheese sandwich. But, I know that eating those things will not make me feel as good as I do now. The void they would fill would be back faster than digestion, so I know I cannot eat because it feels good anymore. I'm really trying to change my mindset that food is fuel for my body.

I'm excited to play with my kids, Summer and Jake at Scotty's Playhouse tomorrow. Maybe burn a few extra calories. :)

Thanks for tuning in - B

1 comment:

  1. I just sent some goodies to help with the boredom. You are doing great Brooke! :) You will be a success story before you know it!

