So, they say a problem shared is a problem halved, right?
Well, here goes.
I am a food addict. Big time. I need help.
I rejoined Weight Watchers this week - my weigh in (albeit fully-clothed and in the evening after dinner) was a disappointment - 166 lbs. I have gained back 24 lbs in the last 6 months. Head slap.
So, most people when they join weight watchers, including me (it is something I have done a couple of times in the past) have a honeymoon period, where they are inspired, and revved up, and can't do anything but succeed - well, it has been 2 days for me, and I am still sabotaging myself horribly.
I started today out great - my goals in mind, my points target all planned out for the day. Then, I hit the afternoon hungry monster, and I lost it, terribly. I went on a binge - I ate so much so fast, I'm not even sure what I put in my mouth.
The most embarrassing thing for me was the whip cream - I made a carton of whipped cream and ate it with a spoon. Yep. The whole thing.
So, I'm blogging again. Accountability. I think that is the only thing that can work for me right now. Knowing that someone out there might be counting on me to be strong for them when they are having a hard time too. Please let me know if you have any tips to help me stop destroying myself. I know that ultimately I need to see a therapist about this, but that just isn't in the cards, or the budget right now.
I'm in a sad and desperate place - the cold weather is setting in, I'm bored. I'm hoping this blog will help.
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